Introduction and Human Systems


Hygiene: practices and principles of keeping yourself and your environment clean to maintain health and prevent disease. 

In short, hygiene is keeping our bodies clean.


Why hygiene is important?

To protect our body from dangerous microbes like bacteria and viruses.

    There are many invisible bacteria and viruses everywhere around us, and they come into our body through our nose and mouth or wound→ This sometimes makes us sick which is called infection.

Symptoms of infection

coughing / when someone coughs, droplets (containing infectious microbes) from that person come out of their mouth.

How to prevent infectious microbes from entering our body through our nose or mouth

⇨ The most common way: wearing masks and washing our hands

About wearing masks

   1. Masks filter the air and catch the environmental microbes entering our body.

   2. By stopping the droplets in your cough, masks prevent microbes from spreading.

About washing our hands

Why wash our hands? 

        → If we touch our face or eat food with microbes-covered hands, the microbes enter our body and make us sick. Also, if you wash your hands with soap, it kills or inactivates the microbes.


      → we come home, after going to the restroom and before eating.

How? (9 steps)

1.     Wet your hands with water and apply soap

2.     Wash your palms and make lots of bubbles

3.     Wash all the way to the base of your hands

4.     Wash your fingertips and under nails carefully

5.     Wash in between your fingers

6.     Wrap one hand around the other thumb and wash your thumb by twisting your other hand around your thumb.

7.     Wash your wrists

8.     Rinse off the soap with the cleanest material available.

9.     Dry your hands.