
How can we protect ourselves from STIs/STDs?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:51 PM)
There are many ways to avoid or lower your risk of getting an STIs/STDs. ・Avoid sex or sexual activity. The most effective way to avoid STIs/STDs is not to have sex. ・Use condoms consistently and correctly. When used consistently and correctly, condoms offer one of the most effective methods of protection against STIs/STDs, including HIV. Although highly effective, condoms do not offer protection for STIs that cause extra-genital ulcers(i.e., syphilis or genital herpes). When possible, condoms should be used in all vaginal and anal sex. ・Stay with one uninfected partner. Staying in a long-term relationship in which both people have sex only with each other and neither partner is infected can be one way to avoid STIs/STDs. ・Talk to your partner. Before any sexual contact, talk to your partner about practicing safer sex. Be sure you clearly agree on what activities will and won't be OK.

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