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Are there effects of menstruation?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
Yes. Changes in your body's hormone levels before your period can cause physical and emotional changes. And this is known as PMS (premenstrual syndrome). PMS includes the following symptoms ・feeling bloated ・breast tenderness ・mood swings ・feeling irritable ・spotty skin ・low sex drive (loss of libido) During menstruation, symptoms such as menstrual cramps, swelling, and anemia may be observed. If menstruation is heavy, symptoms that interfere with daily life may be observed. Symptoms vary from person to person and do not necessarily indicate a serious illness. However, it is a good idea to consult a physician if you have any concerns.


At what age does a girl start menstruating?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
Menarche is a rather late event in puberty and usually occurs 6 months after PHV is achieved. The age that menarche occurs varies and is dependent on the interaction between genetic and environmental factors. US study performed using data from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, demonstrated that the mean age at onset of menarche was 12.1 years for black girls; 12.2 for Mexican American girls; and 12.7 for white girls. Age at menarche in Asian is similar to Mediterranean girls; mean menarcheal age in Hong Kong and Japan is 12.38 and 12.2 years, respectively, and in Greece or Spain 12.27 and 12.34, respectively.


At what age should a girl start using a menstrual cup or a tampon?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:24 PM)
If you’ve started your period, you can use the cup and tampon. It's important to choose the right menstrual products for you. Menstrual cups for children are smaller, softer in hardness, and easier to insert. Beginners using tampons should use thin and light ones. After assessing the amount of menstrual blood volume, you may want to move to more absorbent tampons if needed.



Can a 99 year old lady give birth?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:20 PM)
That seems difficult. Many women reach menopause between the ages of 45 and 55 years, making natural conception impossible. In 2019, a 73 years old woman gave birth to twin girls following IVF treatment. However, advanced age is a risk factor for female infertility, pregnancy loss, fetal anomalies, stillbirth, and obstetric complications.


Can a man at the age of 45-55 still make a woman pregnant?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
Increased male age is associated with a decline in semen volume, sperm motility, and sperm morphology. However, male fertility declines more slowly than that of women, and a man between the ages of 45 and 55 would be able to make a woman pregnant. Impairment of spermatogenesis (making of sperm) is a continuous process occurring over decades, and only about 50 % of men in their eighties show complete loss of fertility.


Can a tampon be used by girls who have just started their periods?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
Yes. You can start using tampons as soon as you get your period. While it may feel a bit awkward to insert at first, a correctly placed tampon is painless and cannot be felt during activity. However, Because tampons are inserted, they carry a higher risk of infection and other problems than sanitary napkins if not used correctly. It is important to use tampons safely by choosing a type that matches the amount of menstrual blood and changing them every 4 to 8 hours. There is no correct age at which tampons should be used, so use the menstrual product that is right for you.


Can a woman who has reached menopause menstruate and give birth?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
Menopause stops the release of the egg needed for fertilization, which usually results in no pregnancy. However, pregnancy is still possible during perimenopause. Contraception is recommended to avoid unintended pregnancy until after 12 consecutive months without menstruation. Pregnancy after menopause is unlikely without fertility treatment that involves the use of donor eggs or previously frozen embryos.


Can sex affect menstruation?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
When sexual intercourse occurs and pregnancy is established, menstruation ceases. Sexual intercourse during menstruation is not a problem, but pregnancy is just as possible as when you are not menstruating. However, the risk of infection is increased because the vagina is more easily scarred due to the blood collecting in the vagina, and if menstrual blood flows back into the uterus, bacteria can grow and the risk of endometriosis increases.


Can someone notice we are using a menstrual cup?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
Unlike tampons, menstrual cups do not have a string outside the vagina, so they will not be visible from the outside in the bath or pool. It is also said to reduce odor because menstrual blood is kept inside the vagina and not exposed to the air outside.


Can tampons or menstrual cups come out when full?

(Last edited: Saturday, 24 February 2024, 1:02 PM)
They will not fall out if you wear them in the correct position and replace them when needed. Reasons why menstrual cups may slip off include the following ・The cup is not properly positioned and is not opening properly. ・The cup is not the right size. ・The cup is too soft and does not stay in the same position ・Too much lubricant, making it slippery ・Heavy exercise

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